AVRO Canada
AVRO Canada C-102 Jetliner
AVRO Canada CF-100 Canuck
AVRO Canada CF-105 Arrow
Other Avro Canada Aircraft
Avro and Orenda Collectibles
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The Wishlist Page

Dedicated to the people and projects of AVRO Canada & Orenda Engines Limited

My AVRO wish list
If you have any of the items below or something else related to AVRO Canada that you are interested in trading, selling or donating, please contact me via email (please keep in mind that AvroLand is a personal venture with no government or corporate sponsor, as such funds are limited) -- If you are looking for some AVRO Canada related items, please let me know as I may have something you are after.

AvroLand currently has over 1,000 aviation magazines featuring non-Avro aircraft so if there is something else from the 1950's you are after feel free to ask as well.

If you worked for or with AVRO Canada or their aircraft and want to tell your stories to those interested in them please contact me.